Ruben Andersen Studio

Lorcher Tor: Crossing of Heaven and Earth
Forslag i konkurrencen 'Schwäbisch Gmünd_Europan 16: Living Cities'.
Forslaget er udført sammen med Friedemann Hack.
Masterplan for industrielt byudviklingsområde i byen Schwäbish Gmünd, hvor eksisterende strukturer og bygninger delvis bevares, og nye typologier og infrastruktur tilføres.
Lorcher Tor: Crossing of Heaven & Earth is a proposal for future strengthening and identity development of the western area outside Schwäbisch Gmünd.
By maintaining and using the existing qualities of nature, topography, colours and structures a modern yet contextual scheme for a new part of the city is created with roots in the history of it’s industry.
Former functions are mixed with new programs and active ground floors in order to create a diverse and vibrant neighbourhood.
The Rems river and northern border are enhanced with trees and vegetation, and serve as recreational routes for soft traffic, while new crossing connections are established through the site.
These meet and intersect at the new mayor plaza and towers which create a new attractive and green entrance to the city: Lorcher Tor.
Collage: studier af farver og typologier

Visualiseringer: 'Rems-walk' og Vogelhofstrasse

Aksonometri over site, med portområdet og tårnene i midten


Tværsnit gennem site, terrasering mod floden Rems

Plandiagrammer: program og bevægelser


Visualiseringer: ankomst til torvet og tværforbindelse bag tårnene

Plan og snit af tårnene - portmotivet og ankomsten til Schwäbisch Gmünd